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Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Instructional leadership is a cornerstone of being an educational leader.  Below are some examples of the work I have done supporting teachers in the classroom. 

Effective Instructional Programs

In collaboration with an assistant principal and TOSA at my school we faciliated a blended learning cohort of 25 teachers to embed a culture of blended learning in our school. You can view more in this artifact from my ISTE portfolio. 


Additionally, I am able to evaluate instructional programs for effectiveness. In my coursework I investigated the efficacy of Lexia, a reading improvement program. 

Using Student Data

I regularly meet with CLTs and disaggregate data to help teachers utilize that data to improve student engagement and success. I also show teachers tools they can use to keep student records of mastery beyond the gradebook. 

Types of Educational Data: Demographic, Standardized Test, Pre-assessment, IEP and 504, WIDA
Collection of Educational Technology Badges


As an instructional technology coach I support 180 teachers in my school. I collaborate with the administrative team to make sure that teachers have the resources and training they need to inform them pedagogy with technology. This artifact from my ISTE portfolio tells the story of my support in the 2020-2021 school year. 

As an instructional technology coach, I advocate and I am aware of many available instructional technologies. During the pandemic, I supported teachers district-wide with the Facebook community I ran with 3 other coaches called ITCS4All. This artifact will tell you more about our work. 

Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Strategies For Improvement

Operations and Management

Professional Learning

I have extensive experience presenting professional learning experiences in my daily job as well as at educational conferences.  A full list of conference presentation experiences can be viewed here

HS Blended Learning Conference Graphic

In the fall of 2021, I co-chaired the PWCS Blended Learning Conference this served as one of my project-based learning projects for my Leadership course. 

You can also view these ISTE Portfolio artifacts to learn more. (Artifact 1, Artifact 2

Image of Creative Educator Logo

In the spring of 2022, I lead two district-wide cohorts of a course I co-created called Creative Educator.  In the course we showed teachers how to bring Canva, Adobe Express, and Book Creator into a Blended Learning classroom using Universal Design for Learning Practices.  You can view more about this professional learning in my ISTE Portfolio.  (Artifact 3, Artifact 14).  

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